PanFinancial Insurance Solutions Holiday 2019 Blog Post

Author: PanFinancial Insurance Solutions | | Categories: Estate Planning , Financial Planning , Financial Strategist , Insurance Planning , Tax Minimization , Tax Planning , Tax Reduction Strategies , Unique Investments , Wealth Creation , Wealth Management

Tax Planning Toronto

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! A little early you say, not really. I believe that any day should be acceptable to extend good wishes to all in this crazy world we live in. It seems to me that the good is getting “gooder” and the bad is getting “badder”. The only people that can turn this dynamic around starts with you and me. This season is a time of celebration, but also of reflection.

This year I lost a friend whom I loved spending time with. It was especially hurtful given he was killed in a car crash without insurance for his very young family. We did talk about it and he really did want to do it but was always too busy. We all thought he had become quite successful until I received an email from a mutual friend raising money for the funeral. Maybe I could have tried harder? Heaven knows I did try!

In another situation, I had another client who was doing exceptionally well where her entire life changed in the beat of her heart. She was working very hard and was creating amazing success at a young age until she had an aneurism. My friend could no longer work the way she did. Gone is the big house, the very expensive cars. Her family’s lives changed drastically. Why you ask, because she didn’t take the time to protect her family’s financial needs and assets? The reason why this happens is very simple, because, as with all of us, she never thought for one minute that this could happen to her but unfortunately it did.

So in summary, celebrate the past year and spend the time to plan the next year and make sure you have spent the time to lock in security and peace of mind for your loved ones. I hope with all my heart I will not have further stories to tell like these. I am only a call or email away to start the ball rolling.

Wishing you and your families a very happy, healthy and safe Holiday Season!

Gordon Berger TEP